Signs That Your Web Redesign Is Overdue

Web design is a constantly evolving process, and what once worked for you may no longer be the case as a result of changing trends and new information on ways of truly optimising the user experience. In this blog post we will quickly outline a few key signs it might be time for a web design refresh…

Your website takes too long to load

Slow load times are a big turn-off for customers, whether your business is a small local company or a large multi-national. Speed is a huge consideration to take into account, as page speed is also increasingly seen as a key factor in search engine optimisation – so if you want your site to be seen by the right people, invest in some UX.

You haven’t redesigned in years

As we stated earlier in the article, web-design moves fast – and so do the complex search algorithms which help to determine how one website ranks over another. Staying up to date with new developments is an absolute must for any company which hopes to capitalise on its online presence.

Your site doesn’t rank in Google

There are reasons why you aren’t achieving ranking success in Google search, and some of these probably concern the way your website is structured. Google prioritises fresh designs which play by the newly-established rules of SEO optimisation, so it’s always wise to stay aware and engaged with new trends to avoid missing out.

You can’t trace your old web designer

Can’t remember who designed your website? Then you have no way of making alterations, meaning it’s likely that at the very least, the information listed on your site is out of date. Few customers have the time or inclination to dig around when they find the information on a website is inaccurate – they’ll simply take their time, and their custom – elsewhere.

Your website isn’t mobile responsive

A mobile responsive design is no longer considered a futuristic addition to your web presence, but a standard requirement for companies at all levels. With the growth of mobile browsing and more and more purchases taking place online, companies cannot afford the reputational or revenue-damaging effects of avoiding mobile optimisation. Switching to a mobile design isn’t as complicated as you might think once the right team and tools are in place, so have a chat with a professional today if you would like some help in making the transition.

What next? 

If you think you are falling behind on the online stakes, you can book a free UX Audit or get some insights into you site with our Digital Clinic Consultation.