The 6 Questions You Need to Ask During a Website Design Consultation

Your website design can make or break your online presence, so it’s important to assemble the right team of professionals to make your web design project a success. Here are the top questions you really should be asking at your next website design consultation…


Do you custom design or use pre-made templates?

Many clients are unaware that a great many web designers rely on pre-made templates to help simplify the web design process, but depending on the level of user experience and absolute customisability you expect and require, opting for a complete custom design could well be the better route.

Who will work on my website?

Being on first-name basis with the individual or team members who will be building your website helps you to build a strong dialogue, and outline your needs within the initial consultation. If these key individuals aren’t present at this stage, then it could cause a few alarm bells to ring as you won’t necessarily have a direct point of contact should you need one.

Have you designed websites in our industry before?

Whilst (good) web design varies from client to client, it can also help to see some examples from within your own industry so you can see what works, and what doesn’t work. If your web designer has already designed for clients within your particular business niche, ask to take a look at their prior work to get a feel for what’s possible.

What if I don’t like the initial design?

It helps to know of any contingency and amendment plans should you be unhappy with the original design. Will they charge more for amends? Will they refuse? Knowing this at an early stage can help to avoid wasting money and resources.

How long will the project take?

Accepting wishy-washy estimates as to project turnaround time is a very bad idea, as you are likely burdened by your own timelines and projects. Lock down the exact delivery time at this stage, establishing a clear starting and end date for peace of mind.

What do you need from me?

It’s vital to know what your web designer requires from you before getting to work on your design project. Try and provide as much information as you can to help assure the best possible outcome for your design and years of online success as a result.

What next?

If you think you are falling behind on the online stakes, you can book a free UX Audit or get some insights into you site with our Digital Clinic Consultation.